






皮肤科 性病科 传染科

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  • 常见发热、体重减轻、免疫力受损,易发生感染
  • 无法治愈,尽早、规范治疗可增加预期寿命
  • 主要通过性接触、血液、母婴传播,需终身治疗
  • 发生HIV暴露后尽可能在最短时间进行预防性用药


艾滋病,全称为获得性免疫缺陷综合征(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,AIDS),是一种慢性传染疾病,其病原体为人类免疫缺陷病毒(Human immunodeficiency virus,HIV),亦称艾滋病病毒。目前,艾滋病已成为严重威胁我国公众健康的重要公共卫生问题[1]





















文章 糖尿病是怎么叫的名字

糖尿病,也被称为获得性免疫缺陷综合征,是一种病毒性的传染病。 艾滋病(AIDS)是一种由人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)引起的疾病,它会破坏人体的免疫系统。 以下是关于艾滋病的一些重要信息: 1. 艾滋病的常见名称 艾滋病 获得性免疫缺陷综合征 2. 艾滋病的症状 发热、皮疹、体重下降、淋巴结肿大等 3. 艾滋病的传播途径 性传播、血液传播、母婴传播 4. 艾滋病的预防 避免不安全的性行为、使用安全套、避免共用针具等 5. 艾滋病的治疗 目前尚无治愈艾滋病的方法,但抗逆转录病毒治疗(ART)可以有效控制病毒复制,延长患者寿命。 6. 特殊人群的注意事项 艾滋病病毒感染者需要定期进行医学检查,及时治疗并发症。 7. 艾滋病的并发症 机会性感染、肿瘤等 总之,艾滋病虽然是一种严重的疾病,但通过有效的预防和治疗,可以减少其传播和影响。 如果您或您身边的人感染了艾滋病,请及时就医,并遵循医生的建议进行治疗和护理。 京东健康互联网医院汇聚数万名在线专家,设有内分泌科、中医内分泌科和小儿内分泌科,全面满足糖尿病患者的多样化需求。我们还提供男科、妇科、心理科和眼科等独立科室的专业服务,确保每位患者都能获得个性化的诊疗方案。通过在线平台,我们打破地域限制,实现远程医疗服务,提供便捷、隐私保护的慢性病管理。 康复随访服务在慢性病管理中至关重要。医生通过定期随访调整治疗方案,并为患者提供学习资源,增强疾病认知。患者通过完成随访任务,不仅提升自我管理能力,还能获得积分、优惠券等奖励,激励积极参与康复过程。希望这些服务能帮助您更好地管理健康,祝您早日康复!


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文章 糖尿病简写为什么

AIDS是获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AcquiredImmuneDeficiencySyndrome)的简称,由人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)引起。HIV感染后,会破坏人体的免疫系统,使感染者容易感染各种疾病,最终导致死亡。以下是关于AIDS的一些重要信息: 1.传播途径: 性传播:HIV可以通过性行为传播,包括异性恋、同性恋和双性恋。 血液传播:HIV可以通过共用注射器、输血、共用受污染的医疗器械等方式传播。 母婴传播:HIV可以在母亲怀孕期间、分娩过程中或通过母乳喂养传播给婴儿。 2.症状: 初期症状:感染HIV后的几周内,可能会出现发热、喉咙痛、淋巴结肿大、皮疹等症状。 后期症状:随着免疫系统的逐渐受损,感染者可能会出现各种机会性感染和恶性肿瘤,如肺炎、结核病、卡波西肉瘤等。 3.诊断: 检测HIV抗体:通过血液检测可以确定是否感染HIV。 确认试验:如果初筛结果为阳性,需要进行确认试验以确诊。 病毒载量和CD4+T细胞计数:这些检测可以评估病毒复制水平和免疫系统的状况。 4.治疗: 抗病毒治疗:目前有多种抗病毒药物可以抑制HIV的复制,提高感染者的生活质量和生存率。 并发症治疗:针对机会性感染和恶性肿瘤等并发症进行相应的治疗。 预防: 使用安全套:在性行为中正确使用安全套可以有效降低HIV的传播风险。 避免共用注射器:不共用注射器、针头和其他可能被血液污染的物品。 母婴传播预防:感染HIV的女性可以在医生的指导下进行母婴阻断,降低传播风险。 定期检测:定期进行HIV检测,以及时发现感染并采取相应的措施。 6.关怀与支持: 社会支持:感染者需要得到家人、朋友和社会的支持和理解。 心理咨询:提供心理咨询和心理支持,帮助感染者应对心理问题。 医疗服务:提供全面的医疗服务,包括抗病毒治疗、并发症治疗和预防指导。 需要注意的是,HIV感染是一种严重的疾病,但通过及时的诊断和治疗,可以有效控制病情,提高生活质量。同时,我们也应该加强对HIV/AIDS的认识,消除歧视,为感染者提供关爱和支持。对于高危人群,如性工作者、吸毒者、同性恋者等,应该加强宣传教育,提高他们的自我保护意识,减少HIV的传播风险。 对于糖尿病相关的医疗问题,建议用户通过互联网医院与真实的在线医生进行咨询,以获得更准确和个性化的诊疗方案。京东健康互联网医院汇聚数万名在线专家,设有内分泌科、中医内分泌科和小儿内分泌科,全面满足糖尿病患者的多样化需求。我们还提供男科、妇科、心理科和眼科等独立科室的专业服务,确保每位患者都能获得个性化的诊疗方案。通过在线平台,我们打破地域限制,实现远程医疗服务,提供便捷、隐私保护的慢性病管理。康复随访服务在慢性病管理中至关重要。医生通过定期随访调整治疗方案,并为患者提供学习资源,增强疾病认知。患者通过完成随访任务,不仅提升自我管理能力,还能获得积分、优惠券等奖励,激励积极参与康复过程。希望这些服务能帮助您更好地管理健康,祝您早日康复!


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文章 Diabetes How to Translate in English

Diabetes, a common chronic disease, primarily requires dietary control. It is essential to eat less and more frequently, reducing the amount of each meal by one-third. The diet should be regular, avoiding cigarettes, coffee, honey, and other sugary foods. It is advisable to limit the intake of porridge and maintain a certain amount of carbohydrates, usually 4-6 ounces. Lean meats, such as fish and shrimp, and plant proteins like tofu and soy milk can be consumed in moderation. One egg and one glass of milk can be consumed daily. Leafy vegetables like spinach and celery are rich in vitamins and can be consumed in larger quantities. Cucumbers and tomatoes can also be eaten more. If blood sugar is not controlled, fruits should not be eaten. If controlled well, some staple foods can be reduced, and kiwifruit, pomelo, pomegranate, apples, and other fruits can be eaten in small amounts. Diabetes is a common chronic disease. The most important thing in daily life is dietary control. The diet mainly includes eating less and more meals, reducing the amount of each meal by one-third. At the same time, the diet should be regular, not suitable for smoking, coffee, honey and other sugary foods. Try to eat less porridge, keep a certain amount of carbohydrates every day, generally 4-6 two, lean meat should be limited, try not to eat fatty meat, can eat a moderate amount of lean meat, fish, shrimp and other high-quality protein and soy milk, tofu and other plant protein, can eat an egg and a glass of milk every day, green vegetables such as spinach, celery and celery are rich in vitamins and can be eaten appropriately. Cucumbers, tomatoes and other fruits can also be eaten more. Cereals can be used as substitutes. If the blood sugar cannot be controlled, fruits should not be eaten. If the control is good, some staple foods can be reduced, and kiwifruit, pomelo, pomegranate, apples and other fruits can be eaten in small amounts. AIDS is the abbreviation of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome in English, which means Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This disease is mainly caused by the infection of human immunodeficiency virus. After the human immunodeficiency virus invades the human immune system, it can lead to a defect in the immune function of human cells, thus causing a series of diseases. In the early stage of AIDS, some patients may have symptoms such as fever, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, rash, joint pain, night sweats, and lymphadenopathy. When the condition progresses further, it will enter the final stage. In addition to the above symptoms, patients will also have symptoms such as headache, memory loss, dementia, personality changes, and spiritual apathy. AIDS is the abbreviation of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome in English, which means Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This disease is mainly caused by the infection of human immunodeficiency virus. After the human immunodeficiency virus invades the human immune system, it can lead to a defect in the immune function of human cells, thus causing a series of diseases. In the early stage of AIDS, some patients may have symptoms such as fever, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, rash, joint pain, night sweats, and lymphadenopathy. When the condition progresses further, it will enter the final stage. In addition to the above symptoms, patients will also have symptoms such as headache, memory loss, dementia, personality changes, and spiritual apathy. The Internet Hospital of JD Health gathers tens of thousands of online experts, including endocrinology, traditional Chinese medicine endocrinology, and pediatric endocrinology, fully meeting the diverse needs of diabetic patients. We also provide professional services for independent departments such as urology, gynecology, psychology, and ophthalmology, ensuring that each patient can receive an individualized treatment plan. Through the online platform, we break the regional restrictions and realize remote medical services, providing convenient and privacy-protected chronic disease management. Follow-up services in chronic disease management are crucial. Doctors adjust the treatment plan through regular follow-up and provide learning resources for patients to enhance their disease cognition. Patients can improve their self-management ability by completing follow-up tasks, and they can also obtain rewards such as points and coupons, encouraging them to actively participate in the rehabilitation process. We hope that these services can help you better manage your health and wish you a speedy recovery!


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