











高血压孕妇的就医指南 常见症状 孕妇高血压的常见症状包括头痛、视力模糊、上腹部不适、恶心、呕吐等。易感人群主要是孕期高血压的孕妇,特别是在孕晚期。 推荐科室 妇产科或心血管科 调理要点 1. 硝苯地平控释片和拉贝洛尔是常用的降压药物,但需在医生指导下使用。 2. 如果血压控制不住,可能需要住院治疗或考虑终止妊娠。 3. 定期监测血压和其他相关指标,遵循医生的治疗方案。 4. 注意休息,避免过度劳累和精神紧张。 5. 饮食上应低盐、低脂,多吃新鲜蔬菜和水果,保持良好的心态和生活习惯。

文章 脚跟下缘骨刺怎么办?医生建议:减少受力、局部垫软、用药缓解、封闭治疗

我还记得那天,我的脚跟下缘突然开始疼痛,像被针扎一样。起初,我以为只是普通的扭伤,没太在意。但是,随着时间的推移,疼痛变得越来越剧烈,甚至影响了我的日常生活。我开始担心,难道我得了什么严重的疾病? 我决定去看医生,经过一系列的检查,医生告诉我我患了脚跟下缘骨刺。听到这个消息,我感到非常沮丧和无助。医生安慰我说,虽然这是一种常见的足部问题,但可以通过一些方法来缓解疼痛和不适。 医生建议我首先要减少脚跟下缘的受力,尽量避免长时间站立或走路。同时,他还推荐我使用局部垫软的方法来减轻压力。除此之外,他还开了一些药物给我,用于缓解疼痛和消炎。医生告诉我,如果这些方法都不能有效缓解症状,我可能需要接受封闭治疗。 我问医生是否可以使用消炎镇痛膏贴在疼痛部位,医生说可以。于是,我每天都坚持使用消炎镇痛膏,并且按照医生的建议,减少脚跟下缘的受力,局部垫软点。同时,我也开始口服布洛芬来缓解疼痛。 在治疗过程中,我曾经问过医生封闭治疗是什么,医生解释说是在疼痛部位打止痛药。虽然这个方法听起来有些吓人,但我知道如果其他方法都无效,我可能需要尝试这种治疗方式。 经过一段时间的治疗,我的脚跟下缘的疼痛逐渐减轻了。虽然我还需要继续注意保护我的脚跟,但我已经可以正常地生活和工作了。回想起这段经历,我深深地感激医生和京东互联网医院的帮助。他们不仅提供了专业的医疗服务,还给了我信心和勇气去面对和克服这个问题。 如果你也遇到了类似的问题,我想告诉你,别担心,及时就医,采取正确的治疗方法,你也可以像我一样,重新站起来,继续前行。健康无小事,京东互联网医院很靠谱!


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文章 高血压2年了,需要替米沙坦的处方和用药建议

我还记得那天,阳光明媚,微风拂面,仿佛世界都在向我微笑。可我的心却像被一只无形的手紧紧攥住,无法呼吸。高血压已经伴随我两年了,每天都要依赖药物才能维持正常生活。今天,我来到京东互联网医院,希望能找到更好的治疗方案。 医生问我需要什么药物,我说是替米沙坦。医生让我发一张药品截图,好确定规格和厂家。等待的那几分钟,我的心跳加速,仿佛下一秒就会有个不好的消息传来。幸运的是,医生很快就回复了我,告诉我最多可以开8盒药,并询问我需要几盒。我只需要一盒,医生便开始为我开具处方。 在等待处方审核的过程中,医生问我是否有药物或食物过敏史,是否有严重心脑血管疾病史,肝肾功能是否正常,是否处于孕期/哺乳期/备孕期等特殊时期。我一一回答,心中充满了感激。医生不仅关心我的身体健康,还关心我的生活状态,这让我感到非常温暖。 终于,处方审核通过了。医生告诉我可以点击卡片直接预约药品,并提醒我在用药期间如有不适请及时线下就诊。收到药物后,我按照处方中标明的用法用量使用,仔细阅读药品说明书中的禁忌、注意事项等,排除用药禁忌后再服药。同时,我也咨询了医生关于同时使用其他药物的建议,确保自己的用药安全。 在整个治疗过程中,京东互联网医院的医生和工作人员都非常专业和耐心。他们不仅提供了高质量的医疗服务,还给予了我极大的心理支持。现在,我已经可以更好地控制自己的血压,生活也变得更加正常。感谢京东互联网医院,让我重新找回了健康和信心。 如果你也在寻找高效、便捷的医疗服务,不妨试试京东互联网医院。在线问诊、药品配送、健康管理等一站式服务,满足你的各种需求。健康无小事,京东互联网医院值得信赖!


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文章 去肾交感神经术(RDN)用于治疗未受控制高血压:一组模拟对照实验

以下内容来源于 Eur Heart J Introduction Catheter-based renal denervation (RDN) represents an effective treatment option for patients with uncontrolled hypertension. 1–8 The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently approved the Paradise™ Ultrasound and Symplicity Spyral™ RDN systems for the treatment of uncontrolled hypertension. However, data on the safety and effectiveness of RDN in Chinese patients are lacking. This study investigated the safety and effectiveness of the basket-like Netrod™ six-electrode radiofrequency RDN system in lowering blood pressure (BP) in Chinese patients with uncontrolled primary hypertension in the presence of antihypertensive medications. Methods This was a prospective, multicentre, randomized, sham-controlled trial (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT03261375). Written informed consent was obtained from patients before any study procedures. Patients aged 18–65 years with uncontrolled primary hypertension [office BP ≥ 150/90 and <180/110 mmHg and mean 24 h ambulatory systolic BP (SBP) ≥ 135 mmHg] despite taking ≥2 antihypertensive drugs at a stable dose for ≥4 weeks entered a run-in period for ≥4 weeks on standardized antihypertensive therapy of nifedipine gastrointestinal therapeutic system and hydrochlorothiazide. Patients with secondary hypertension were excluded. Patients were randomized 2:1 to RDN (Netrod™ RDN System Shanghai Golden Leaf MedTech Co. Ltd, China) or sham procedure. The RDN procedure targeted all accessible renal arterial vessels (including branches and accessory renal arteries) with a diameter of 3–12 mm. All enrolled patients remained on the same doses of standard medications throughout the entire trial unless there were safety concerns. Adherence to the standard medication regimen was based on the number of tablets taken and assessed in urine using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry at the end of run-in period and the 6-month follow-up visit. Office and 24 h ambulatory BPs were assessed using the same models of sphygmomanometer for office BP and ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) according to a pre-specified protocol as per AHA guidelines. 9 The primary efficacy endpoint was the change in office SBP from baseline to 6 months post-procedure. The secondary endpoints included the changes from baseline in office diastolic BP (DBP) and 24 h ABP at 6 months post-procedure and the percentage of patients achieving target SBP (90 mmHg ≤ SBP < 140 mmHg) at 6 months post-procedure. The safety endpoint was the rate of all safety events. Both patients and study personnel assessing patients’ BP were blinded to treatment assignment until completion of the 6-month follow-up visit and subsequent unblinding. Statistical analysis was performed using SAS® version 9.4. All statistical tests were two-sided, and a P-value of ≤.05 was considered statistically significant. BP changes were also analysed by adjusting for baseline measurements using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Sample size was based on the hypothesis that the BP-lowering effect of the RDN group (office SBP) was 12 mmHg greater than the sham group with standard deviation (SD) of 15 mmHg. Results Between November 2020 and March 2022, 205 patients from 25 centres in China with uncontrolled primary hypertension (aged 45.6 ± 8.8 years, 15.8% female) were enrolled and randomized to RDN (n = 139) or sham (n = 66). Baseline characteristics were well balanced between groups. Mean baseline office SBP and DBP were 160.9 ± 7.4 and 99.8 ± 5.8 mmHg, respectively; mean baseline 24 h ambulatory SBP and DBP were 151.2 ± 9.4 and 96.5 ± 6.9 mmHg, respectively. Procedure time [from the beginning of angiogram to the withdrawal of ablation catheter (prior to vessel closure)] was 84 ± 34 min in the RDN group, and total treatment time was 50.9 ± 24.1 min with a total of 16 ± 8 and 17 ± 11 ablation points in the left and right renal arteries, respectively. The ablation time of each point was 120 s with the maximal power output ≤ 9 W. Mean (±SD) reduction in office SBP at 6 months post-procedure was 25.2 ± 13.9 mmHg and 6.2 ± 12.5 mmHg for the RDN and sham groups, respectively (between-group difference: −19.0 mmHg [95% confidence interval (CI): −23.0, −15.0]; P < .001). Reduction in office DBP from baseline to 6 months post-procedure in the RDN group was significantly greater than for the sham group (−12.6 ± 9.0 vs. −2.5 ± 9.2 mmHg [95% CI: −12.8, −7.4], P < .001). The BP reductions in 24 h ABP (both SBP and DBP) at 6 months post-procedure in the RDN group were also significantly greater (mean between-group difference: −8.7 mmHg [95%CI: −12.4, −5.0] in ASBP, −5.1 mmHg [95% CI: −7.3, −2.8] in ADBP [both P < .001]). After adjusting for each corresponding baseline BP, there were still significant differences between the RDN and sham groups across all BP outcomes (P < .001) ( Figure 1A). The percentage of patients with office SBP within target range (90 mmHg ≤ SBP < 140 mmHg) at 6 months post-procedure was significantly higher in the RDN group (64.7% vs. 7.7% P < .0001) ( Figure 1B). Hour-by-hour reductions in ambulatory SBP from baseline to 6 months post-procedure were significantly greater following RDN treatment ( Figure 1C). Figure 1. Open in a new tab Blood pressure outcomes at 6 months post-procedure. (A) Changes in office and ambulatory SBP and DBP from baseline at 6 months post-procedure (RDN vs. sham control). Values are mean ± SD; RDN, renal denervation; BP, blood pressure; SBP, systolic BP; DBP, diastolic BP; 24H ASBP, 24 h ambulatory SBP; 24H ADBP, 24 h ambulatory DBP. Between-group differences were adjusted for the corresponding baseline BP measurements (using ANCOVA). Two patients (one in the RDN group and one in the sham group) were lost at 6-month follow-up. Last observation carried forward was used only for the primary endpoint (office SBP) analysis (RDN = 137, sham = 66); other endpoint analyses were based on RDN = 136, sham = 65. (B) Percentage of patients with SBP within target range (90 mmHg ≤ SBP < 140 mmHg). (C) Twenty-four hour ambulatory SBP at baseline and 6 months post-procedure (RDN vs. sham). Daytime is defined as 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., night-time 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.; error bars represent the standard error There were no device-related serious adverse events (SAEs) reported, and the rate of procedure-related SAEs was low in both groups (.7% in the RDN group vs. 4.5% in the sham group, P = .0991). There were no reports of renal artery stenosis or deaths. Discussion The results demonstrated that the Netrod™ RDN System safely and significantly reduced office and ambulatory BP and facilitated BP control in a Chinese patient population with uncontrolled primary hypertension. The observed BP reductions were greater than in previously published trials, which may be attributed to the following: (i) the unique basket design of the device allowing efficient and effective renal nerve ablation with a continuous energy field ensuring circumferential targeting of all four quadrants; (ii) enrolled patients were younger compared with other trials 2–8 and had higher heart rates (≥70 b.p.m.), which is a potential predictor of response 10; (iii) the trial used a standardized regime of two antihypertensive medications to minimize drug interference; and (iv) RDN might be more effective in East Asian patients with higher salt intake and higher salt sensitivity. Further studies are required defining the effects of sodium and volume status on the response to RDN in Chinese patients—a racial difference in RDN response cannot be excluded. Acknowledgements Y.L. drafted the manuscript. All listed authors either participated in the study design and patient data collection or contributed to the writing of the first draft of the manuscript. Tigermed Consulting Ltd performed the statistical analysis and contributed to the writing of the study report. All authors were involved in interpretation of the data. All authors agreed on the content of the manuscript, reviewed drafts, and approved the final version. The trial was sponsored by Shanghai Golden Leaf MedTech Co. Ltd and was designed in collaboration with the steering committee and sponsor. The manuscript was written by the lead author with significant contributions from the trial's executive committee and all co-authors. The funder assisted with figure and table generation, copy editing, and formatting. We thank DRW Limited for editorial assistance, Dr Felix Mahfoud for expert review of the manuscript, all of the investigators for contributions to trial design, and Tigermed Consulting Ltd for clinical trial oversight and statistical analysis.




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文章 肌酸激酶788高,可能是肌源性疾病?

我从小就体弱多病,家人总是担心我的健康。最近,我开始感到呼吸困难,腿部也经常疼痛。起初,我以为只是累了,休息一下就会好。但是,症状并没有消失,反而越来越严重。于是,我决定去医院做个全面的检查。 在医院,医生给我做了一系列的检查,包括抽血化验。结果显示,我的肌酸激酶值高达788,这个数字让我非常担心。医生告诉我,这可能是肌源性疾病的迹象,需要进一步的检查和治疗。 我开始在网上搜索相关信息,了解到肾虚也可能引起类似的症状。虽然我不确定自己是否真的患有肾虚,但我决定去看肾病风湿科的专家,希望能找到答案。 在肾病风湿科,医生详细询问了我的病史和症状,并进行了一系列的检查。最终,医生告诉我,我的情况可能是肌源性疾病引起的,而不是肾虚。这个结果让我松了一口气,但同时也让我更加关注自己的健康。 医生建议我住院进行系统的检查和治疗。我虽然有些担心,但也知道这是必要的。住院期间,我遇到了很多和我一样面临健康问题的患者,我们互相支持和鼓励,共同度过了难关。 经过一段时间的治疗和康复,我终于可以出院了。虽然这段经历让我感到很疲惫,但也让我更加珍惜自己的健康。现在,我会定期去医院做检查,保持良好的生活习惯,希望能远离疾病的困扰。 如果你也有类似的经历,欢迎分享。健康无小事,京东互联网医院很靠谱!


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文章 高血压病人能不能吃蛇莲消囊丸?

我叫李明,今年45岁,是一名高血压患者。我的高血压已经有五年了,虽然一直在服用降压药,但血压总是控制不住。最近,我听说了一个中成药——蛇莲消囊丸,据说对肾虚高血压有很好的治疗效果。于是,我决定去京东互联网医院咨询一下医生。 我打开京东互联网医院的APP,选择了图文问诊,很快就接通了一位医生。医生问我有什么需要咨询的医学问题,我便向他提出了我的疑问:“医生,蛇莲消囊丸有副作用吗?我是高血压病人,能不能服用?” 医生告诉我:“这个药没有副作用,高血压病人可以服用。”我心中一喜,继续问道:“那我能和降压药一起服用吗?”医生回答:“可以,但要间隔半小时。” 我按照医生的建议开始服用蛇莲消囊丸,果然,我的血压开始稳定下来。同时,我也注意到自己的精神状态有所改善,睡眠质量也提高了不少。这些变化让我对这款中成药充满了信心。 在服用蛇莲消囊丸的过程中,我也遇到了一些困扰。比如,有时候我会忘记服药,或者因为工作太忙而错过服药时间。这些小问题让我开始反思自己的生活方式,意识到健康无小事,必须时刻关注和管理自己的身体状况。 通过这次经历,我深刻体会到了中西医结合的重要性。蛇莲消囊丸不仅帮助我控制了高血压,还改善了我的整体健康状况。同时,京东互联网医院的在线问诊服务也让我感受到了便捷和高效。现在,我已经把这款中成药推荐给了身边的朋友和家人,希望他们也能从中受益。 最后,我想说的是,健康是我们最宝贵的财富。无论是中医还是西医,只要是对我们有益的,我们都应该去尝试和接受。同时,也要注意保护自己的隐私,避免泄露个人健康数据和隐私信息。希望大家都能关注自己的健康,遇到问题及时就医,选择可靠的医疗服务平台,像京东互联网医院这样值得信赖的平台。


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