
Johnson and Johnson Vision make the LipiFlow thermal pulsation system. It applies heat and pressure to melt the waxy and oily deposits clogging meibomian glands, allowing the glands to express their oils healthily and improving the quality and quantity of the lipid layer.

This 12-minute in-office treatment can improve MGD and dry eye symptoms for up to three years.


The in-office iLUX treatment uses an LED heat source to melt the waxy oil clogging your glands. Then the eye doctor will apply pressure to help express the clogged glands.

This treatment is manufactured by Tear Film Innovations and won Gold at the 2019 Medical Design Excellence Awards (MDEA ).


Sight Sciences developed TearCare. It uses adhesive heating patches connected to a small heating unit to warm the waxy deposits. Then forceps press your lids and glands open to begin proper expression.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL )

IPL treatment has been used by dermatologists for years to treat acne rosacea.

It has also shown to be successful in alleviating MGD and dry eye symptoms. IPL shines intense flashes of infrared and visible light on the eyelids over 20 minutes. This is done in multiple treatment sessions about a month apart.


Blephex treats blepharitis and MGD through exfoliation.

A hand-held instrument with a small rotating sponge attached applies pressure and scrubs the conjunctiva (eyelid margin ). The sponge gently exfoliates and removes inflammatory biofilm that clogs your glands. The process takes about 10 minutes.

Lid Debridement

Mechanical lid debridement involves using tools to scrape the eyelid to remove keratin and other debris from the meibomian gland orifices around the lid margins.


Some eye doctors may prescribe you antibacterial eye drops in order to restore proper meibomian gland function. This includes topical antibiotics such as the gel azithromycin.

They may also prescribe systemic antibiotics such as doxycycline or ertythromycin.

Cyclosporine Eye Drops

Cyclosporine (brand names: Restasis and Cequa ) modifies the body’s immune response. It increases your ability to produce more tears, making it a treatment option for dry eyes and MGD.

Prescription Medications

There are no medications that are approved by the FDA to treat MGD, however, there are two medications Xiidra is FDA approved for the treatment of dry eye. It may be used off-label to alleviate symptoms of MGD.

Omega-3 Supplements

Some eye doctors suggest that omega-3 fatty acids may provide a useful adjunct treatment for MGD. These essential fatty acids may help suppress conjunctival inflammation and decrease the risk of future problems.

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