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文章 膝盖上面涨黑斑怎么办?

我从未想过,自己会在三十岁出头的年纪,面临着一场突如其来的健康危机。起初只是膝盖上方出现了几块黑斑,既不痛也不痒,甚至连触摸都没有什么特别的感觉。只是在某个不经意的瞬间,我发现这些黑斑似乎在扩散,蔓延到我的大腿上。那种无声的侵蚀,像是一只无形的手,悄悄地攫取着我的健康和安宁。 我开始感到焦虑,担心这可能是某种严重的皮肤病。于是,我决定寻求专业的医疗帮助。通过朋友的推荐,我了解到了京东互联网医院这个平台。它提供了在线咨询服务,非常方便,尤其是对于像我这样工作繁忙的人来说。 我登录了京东互联网医院的网站,选择了皮肤科,并描述了我的症状。很快,一位医生接手了我的咨询。我们开始了对话,他详细询问了我的情况,并请求我发送一些照片以便更好地诊断。我按照他的要求,拍摄了几张清晰的照片,并上传到平台上。 医生仔细查看了照片后,告诉我他认为我的病情可能是淀粉样变性。这是一种罕见的疾病,会导致蛋白质在身体各处沉积,引起多种症状。听到这个诊断,我不禁感到一阵恐慌。然而,医生很快安慰了我,解释说这种病虽然罕见,但并非不治之症。他建议我使用外用药物来控制病情,并开具了相应的处方。 在整个咨询过程中,医生非常专业和耐心。他不仅解答了我的疑问,还提供了很多有用的建议和指导。他的专业知识和人文关怀,让我感到非常安心和放心。 现在,我已经开始使用医生开具的药物,并且定期进行复查。虽然这场健康危机让我经历了一段艰难的时期,但我也从中获得了很多宝贵的经验和教训。首先,健康问题不能被忽视,哪怕是看似微不足道的症状也可能是严重疾病的前兆。其次,及时寻求专业的医疗帮助是非常重要的。最后,京东互联网医院这样的在线医疗平台,真的可以为我们提供便捷、有效的医疗服务。 如果你也遇到了类似的情况,不要犹豫,及时寻求帮助。健康是我们最宝贵的财富,值得我们用心呵护和维护。希望我的经历能够帮助到你,祝你健康快乐!



文章 湿疹加紫外线过敏,外用药不管用怎么办?

我从小就有湿疹,紫外线过敏更是让我苦不堪言。每次出门都要做好防护,否则一晒太阳,皮肤就会红肿、瘙痒,甚至起水泡。五年来,我尝试了各种外用药膏,但效果都很有限。我的生活被这无情的疾病所束缚,无法享受阳光和户外活动的乐趣。 一天,我在网上搜索“脾虚湿热症的中药处方”,希望能找到一些有效的治疗方法。无意中,我发现了京东互联网医院,决定试一试。通过在线咨询,我遇到了一个非常专业的医生。他详细询问了我的病史和症状,并告诉我我的情况可能是淀粉样变性引起的,而不是单纯的湿疹和紫外线过敏。 我感到既惊讶又担忧。医生安慰我说,虽然这是一种比较复杂的疾病,但并非无法治疗。他建议我使用一些特定的药物,并开具了处方。整个过程非常顺利,我甚至不需要离开家门就能获得专业的医疗服务。 在服用药物的过程中,我经历了各种情绪的波动。有时候我会感到绝望,认为自己永远无法摆脱这场疾病的困扰;有时候我又会充满希望,期待着药物能带来奇迹般的效果。然而,随着时间的推移,我逐渐发现自己的症状有所改善。皮肤不再那么容易红肿和瘙痒,甚至可以在阳光下待一会儿而不用担心过敏反应。 我深深感激京东互联网医院和那位医生。他们不仅帮助我找到了正确的治疗方法,还让我重新获得了生活的信心和自由。如果你也正在经历类似的困扰,我强烈建议你尝试在线医疗服务。它可能会改变你的生活,就像它改变了我的一样。 想问问大家有没有出现这样的情况啊?如果有,希望你也能找到适合自己的治疗方法,早日摆脱疾病的困扰。健康没有小事,平日里大家也要多注意身体,出现不适要及时就医,不方便的话就去京东互联网医院,真的方便!



文章 皮肤淀粉样变,痒了5年,医生开了药但效果不明显,怎么办?

我从来没有想过,自己会被一场看似微不足道的皮肤病折磨五年之久。五年前,我的皮肤开始出现一些奇怪的斑块,伴随着难以忍受的瘙痒。起初,我并没有太在意,认为只是皮肤过敏或者是季节变化引起的。但是,随着时间的推移,这些斑块越来越大,瘙痒也越来越频繁,甚至影响到了我的日常生活和工作。 我开始四处求医,跑遍了大大小小的医院,尝试了各种药物和治疗方法。然而,效果总是微乎其微,甚至有时候还会出现副作用。我的心情也随之起伏,时而绝望,时而希望。每次看到镜子中的自己,我都感到一阵自卑和无助。 直到有一天,我在网上偶然发现了京东互联网医院。出于无奈和尝试的心态,我决定在这里咨询一下。通过视频连线,我遇到了一个非常专业和耐心的皮肤科医生。她详细询问了我的病史和症状,并要求我拍摄了几张皮肤的照片。然后,她告诉我,这可能是皮肤淀粉样变性引起的,并开了一些药物给我试用。 我按照医生的指示使用了这些药物,虽然外涂的药膏有些油腻,但我还是坚持使用了两周。期间,医生也多次与我联系,询问我的病情和用药情况。她的关心和专业让我感到非常温暖和安心。 现在,我的皮肤状况已经有了明显的改善。那些讨厌的斑块逐渐消退,瘙痒也减轻了很多。更重要的是,我的心情也变得轻松和愉快了。我再也不用担心因为皮肤问题而影响到我的生活和工作。 回想起来,这五年的经历让我深刻体会到了健康的重要性。我们常常忽视自己的身体,直到出现问题才后悔莫及。所以,我想对所有的朋友说,健康没有小事,平日里大家也要多注意身体,出现不适要及时就医,不方便的话就去京东互联网医院,真的方便! 最后,我想感谢那位医生和京东互联网医院的团队,是他们的专业和关心让我重获了健康和信心。同时,我也想问问大家有没有出现过类似的情况呢?如果有,希望你们也能像我一样,找到合适的治疗方法,早日康复。



文章 腿上小点点痒了4年怎么办?

我一直以为那只是一个小小的皮肤问题,直到它变成了一种日常的折磨。四年前,我的左腿上开始出现一些小点点,痒得让人心烦。起初,我并没有太在意,毕竟谁的皮肤上没有几个小瑕疵呢?但随着时间的推移,这些小点点不仅没有消失,反而越来越多,越来越痒。 我试过各种方法来缓解症状:涂抹药膏、使用止痒喷雾、甚至尝试了传统的中药治疗。然而,所有的努力都没有带来明显的改善。每天晚上,我都会被那无休止的瘙痒折磨得无法入睡,抓挠的痕迹在我的腿上留下了深深的印记。 终于,在一次偶然的机会中,我在网上发现了京东互联网医院。抱着试一试的心态,我注册了账号并开始了在线咨询。医生问了我很多问题,包括是否有其他皮疹、是否经常抓挠等等。通过这些问题,我意识到我的情况可能比我想象的更复杂。 医生告诉我,这种情况可能是皮肤淀粉样变性,简单来说就是因为经常抓挠导致皮肤组织增生变厚。听到这个诊断,我既感到惊讶又有些释然。原来这并不是一个简单的皮肤问题,而是一种需要专业治疗的疾病。 医生给我开了一些药,包括复方醋酸氟轻松酊和复方氟米松软膏等。使用方法也非常详细,需要早晚涂抹,并在晚上使用保鲜膜包裹两小时。起初,我对这种方法持怀疑态度,但医生的专业解释和详细指导让我逐渐放下了心中的疑虑。 在使用药物的过程中,我也开始注意自己的生活习惯。避免过度抓挠,保持皮肤清洁,穿着宽松的衣物等等。这些小改变虽然看似微不足道,但却对我的康复起到了重要的作用。 现在,我的皮肤已经恢复了正常的状态。虽然这个过程并不容易,但我很庆幸自己找到了正确的治疗方法。同时,我也深刻体会到,健康没有小事,任何不适都需要及时就医。京东互联网医院为我提供了便捷、专业的医疗服务,让我在家中就能得到有效的治疗。 如果你也遇到了类似的问题,不妨试试在线咨询。毕竟,健康是最宝贵的财富,我们应该好好珍惜它。



文章 皮肤长串珠痒得厉害,医生说是淀粉样变性,怎么办?

我从未想过,自己会成为一个皮肤病患者。直到有一天,我发现自己的皮肤上长出了一串串珠子,痒得我无法忍受。起初,我以为只是皮肤过敏,或者是因为不注意卫生引起的真菌感染。然而,随着时间的推移,这种情况变得越来越严重,甚至影响到了我的日常生活。 我开始四处求医,尝试各种药膏和治疗方法,但都没有明显的效果。直到有一天,我在网上搜索相关信息时,偶然发现了京东互联网医院。抱着试一试的心态,我决定在线咨询一位专业的医生。 当我向医生描述我的症状时,他很快就做出了诊断:这是一种叫做淀粉样变性的皮肤病。听到这个结果,我感到非常震惊和害怕。医生解释说,这种病不仅难以治愈,而且还会反复发作,需要长期的治疗和管理。 我开始感到一丝绝望,担心自己的皮肤会永远无法恢复正常。然而,医生并没有放弃,他详细地向我解释了治疗方案,并开具了相应的处方药。同时,他也提醒我要注意日常生活中的细节,避免抓挠和刺激皮肤,以免病情加重。 在接下来的几个月里,我按照医生的建议进行治疗,并定期复诊。虽然过程中有过波折和困难,但我始终坚持下来。最终,我的皮肤病得到了有效的控制,串珠症状也逐渐消失了。 回想起这段经历,我深深地感激京东互联网医院和那位医生。他们不仅给了我专业的医疗建议,还让我重新找回了生活的信心和希望。现在,我也想分享我的经验,希望能够帮助更多的人走出皮肤病的困扰。 如果你也遇到了类似的问题,不妨试试在线咨询,或者去京东互联网医院寻求帮助。记住,健康没有小事,及时就医是非常重要的。同时,也要注意日常生活中的细节,保持良好的生活习惯和心态,这样才能更好地预防和管理皮肤病。



文章 皮肤淀粉样变性,怎么治疗?

我记得那天,阳光明媚,微风拂面,仿佛世界都在向我微笑。可我却无法享受这份美好,因为我被一件事情困扰着——皮肤淀粉样变性。这个名字听起来就像是一种可怕的疾病,事实上也确实如此。它让我在无数个夜晚辗转反侧,无法入眠。 我曾经在无锡人民医院和无锡二院看过,医生们都说这是皮肤淀粉样变性,需要用药物治疗。他们给了我地奈德和卤米松,但每次用完药,过一段时间就会复发。那种感觉就像是在海上漂流,永远找不到岸边。 我开始四处寻找答案,希望能找到一个更好的解决方案。终于,在一次偶然的机会中,我了解到了京东互联网医院。这个平台上有许多专业的医生,可以在线为患者提供帮助。我决定试一试,毕竟我已经走投无路了。 我在平台上描述了我的病情,很快就有医生回应了我。他们详细询问了我的症状,并要求我发患处的照片。通过这些信息,医生们诊断出我确实患有皮肤淀粉样变性,并给出了新的治疗方案:口服氯雷他定片、肤痒颗粒和维生素c片,外用曲咪新乳膏和夫西地酸乳膏。他们还建议我去南京皮肤病研究所就诊,因为那里的专家在这方面非常有经验。 我按照医生的建议进行了治疗,效果出奇的好。我的皮肤开始恢复正常,瘙痒感也逐渐消失。更重要的是,我不再感到孤独和无助。京东互联网医院的医生们给了我希望和勇气,让我重新找回了生活的信心。 现在回想起来,那段时间真的很难熬。但是,正是因为经历了这样的困难,我才更加珍惜健康和生活。希望我的故事能够帮助到其他人,让他们知道,即使面对疾病,也不要放弃希望。总会有办法,总会有光明在前方等待着我们。



文章 病例28-2024:一名75岁女性,患有水肿、关节炎和蛋白尿

以下内容来源于新英格兰医学杂志。 Presentation of Case Dr. Christine M. Parsons (Medicine): A 75-year-old woman was evaluated at this hospital because of arthritis, abdominal pain, edema, malaise, and fever. Three weeks before the current admission, the patient noticed waxing and waning “throbbing” pain in the right upper abdomen, which she rated at 9 (on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 indicating the most severe pain) at its maximal intensity. The pain was associated with nausea and fever with a temperature of up to 39.0°C. Pain worsened after food consumption and was relieved with acetaminophen. During the 3 weeks before the current admission, edema developed in both legs; it had started at the ankles and gradually progressed upward to the hips. When the edema began to affect her ambulation, she presented to the emergency department of this hospital. A review of systems that was obtained from the patient and her family was notable for intermittent fever, abdominal bloating, anorexia, and fatigue that had progressed during the previous 3 weeks. The patient reported new orthopnea and nonproductive cough. Approximately 4 weeks earlier, she had had diarrhea for several days. During the 6 weeks before the current admission, the patient had lost 9 kg unintentionally; she also had had pain in the wrists and hands, 3 days of burning and dryness of the eyes, and diffuse myalgias. She had not had night sweats, dry mouth, jaw claudication, vision changes, urinary symptoms, or oral, nasal, or genital ulcers. The patient’s medical history was notable for multiple myeloma (for which treatment with thalidomide and melphalan had been initiated 2 years earlier and was stopped approximately 1 year before the current admission); hypothyroidism; chikungunya virus infection (diagnosed 7 years earlier); seropositive erosive rheumatoid arthritis affecting the hands, wrists, elbows, and shoulders (diagnosed 3 years earlier); vitiligo; and osteoarthritis of the right hip, for which she had undergone arthroplasty. Evidence of gastritis was reportedly seen on endoscopy that had been performed 6 months earlier. Medications included daily treatment with levothyroxine and acetaminophen and pipazethate hydrochloride as needed for cough. The patient consumed chamomile and horsetail herbal teas. She had no known allergies to medications, but she had been advised not to take nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs after her diagnosis of multiple myeloma. Approximately 5 months before the current admission, the patient had emigrated from Central America. She lived with her daughter and grandchildren in an urban area of New England. She had previously worked in health care. She had no history of alcohol, tobacco, or other substance use. There was no family history of cancer or autoimmune, renal, gastrointestinal, pulmonary, or cardiac disease. On examination, the temporal temperature was 37.1°C, the heart rate 106 beats per minute, the blood pressure 152/67 mm Hg, and the oxygen saturation 100% while the patient was breathing ambient air. She had a frail appearance and bitemporal cachexia. The weight was 41 kg and the body-mass index (the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters) 15.2. Her dentition was poor; most of the teeth were missing, caries were present in the remaining teeth, and the mucous membranes were dry. She had abdominal tenderness on the right side and mild abdominal distention, without organomegaly or guarding. Bilateral axillary lymphadenopathy was palpable. Infrequent inspiratory wheezing was noted. The patient had swan-neck deformity, boutonnière deformity, ulnar deviation, and distal hyperextensibility of the thumbs (Fig. 1). Subcutaneous nodules were observed on the proximal interphalangeal joints of the second and third fingers of the right hand and on the proximal interphalangeal joint of the fourth finger of the left hand. Synovial thickening of the metacarpophalangeal joints of the second fingers was noted. There was mild swelling and tenderness of the wrists. She had pain with flexion of the shoulders and right hip, and there was subtle swelling of the shoulders and right knee. Pitting edema (3+) and vitiligo were noted on the legs. No sclerodactyly, digital pitting, telangiectasias, appreciable calcinosis, nodules, nail changes (including pitting), or tophi were present. The remainder of the examination was normal. Figure 1 Photograph of the Hands. The blood levels of glucose, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, bilirubin, globulin, lactate, lipase, magnesium, and phosphorus were normal, as were the prothrombin time and international normalized ratio; other laboratory test results are shown in Table 1. Urinalysis showed 3+ protein and 3+ blood, and microscopic examination of the sediment revealed 5 to 10 red cells per high-power field and granular casts. Urine and blood were obtained for culture. An electrocardiogram met (at a borderline level) the voltage criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy. Table 1 Laboratory Data. Dr. Rene Balza Romero: Computed tomography (CT) of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis, performed after the intravenous administration of contrast material, revealed scattered subcentimeter pulmonary nodules (including clusters in the right middle lobe and patchy and ground-glass opacities in the left upper lobe), trace pleural effusion in the left lung, coronary and valvular calcifications, and trace pericardial effusion, ascites, and anasarca. The scans also showed slight enlargement of the axillary lymph nodes (up to 11 mm in the short axis) bilaterally and a chronic-appearing compression fracture involving the T12 vertebral body. Dr. Parsons: Morphine and lactated Ringer’s solution were administered intravenously. On the second day in the emergency department (also referred to as hospital day 2), the blood levels of haptoglobin, folate, and vitamin B12 were normal; other laboratory test results are shown in Table 1. A rapid antigen test for malaria was positive. Wright–Giemsa staining of thick and thin peripheral-blood smears was negative for parasites; the smears also showed Döhle bodies and basophilic stippling. Antigliadin antibodies and anti–tissue transglutaminase antibodies were not detected. Tests for hepatitis A IgG and hepatitis C antibodies were positive. Tests for hepatitis B core and surface antibodies were negative. A test for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and type 2 (HIV-2) was negative. Findings on abdominal ultrasound imaging performed on the second day (Fig. 2A and 2B) were notable for a small volume of ascites and kidneys with echogenic parenchyma. Ultrasonography of the legs showed no deep venous thrombosis. An echocardiogram showed normal ventricular size and function, aortic sclerosis with mild aortic insufficiency, moderate tricuspid regurgitation, a right ventricular systolic pressure of 39 mm Hg, and a small circumferential pericardial effusion. Intravenous hydromorphone was administered, and the patient was admitted to the hospital. Figure 2 Imaging Studies of the Abdomen and Hands. On the third day (also referred to as hospital day 3), nucleic acid testing for cytomegalovirus, Epstein–Barr virus, and hepatitis C virus was negative, and a stool antigen test for Helicobacter pylori was negative. An interferon-γ release assay for Mycobacterium tuberculosis was also negative. Oral acetaminophen and ivermectin and intravenous hydromorphone and furosemide were administered. Dr. Balza Romero: Radiographs of the hands (Fig. 2C through 2F) showed joint-space narrowing of both radiocarpal joints and proximal interphalangeal erosions involving both hands. Radiographs of the shoulders showed arthritis of the glenohumeral joint and alignment suggestive of a tear of the right rotator cuff. A radiograph of the pelvis showed diffuse joint-space narrowing of the left hip, without osteophytosis, and an intact right hip prosthesis. Dr. Parsons: Diagnostic tests were performed, and management decisions were made. Differential Diagnosis Dr. Beth L. Jonas: This patient is a 75-year-old woman who recently emigrated from Central America. She presented to this hospital with a multisystem disease involving the respiratory, gastrointestinal, renal, and musculoskeletal systems. Her medical history is notable for seropositive erosive rheumatoid arthritis and multiple myeloma, which had been treated with melphalan and thalidomide. Relevant clinical features on presentation include unintended weight loss and cachexia, axillary lymphadenopathy, serositis, cytopenia in two cell lines, hypocomplementemia, and elevated serum free kappa and lambda light-chain levels (with a normal free light-chain ratio) with no monoclonal spike. The white-cell count was elevated, but she had no eosinophilia. CT images of the chest showed scattered subcentimeter pulmonary nodules. With respect to the patient’s anemia, no schistocytes were present, the haptoglobin level was normal, and the iron studies were unremarkable. These findings, in combination with the elevated ferritin level, indicate anemia of chronic inflammation. The renal findings are most salient in the context of the patient’s hypertension, anasarca, elevated cystatin C level, active urinary sediment with proteinuria in the nephrotic range, and small, echogenic kidneys on ultrasonography. In constructing a differential diagnosis, I will consider medication use, cancer, infectious disease, and autoimmune disease. Medications can be eliminated as the cause of this patient’s illness, since she was taking only levothyroxine, acetaminophen, and the antitussive agent pipazethate. Cancer The patient has a history of multiple myeloma, which may manifest with a multisystem disease involving the kidneys, but serum protein electrophoresis showed no monoclonal protein. Given the presence of nephrotic syndrome in the context of multiple myeloma, systemic immunoglobulin light-chain amyloidosis would be highest on the differential diagnosis with respect to cancer; however, the patient’s normal light-chain ratio makes this diagnosis unlikely. The development of myeloid neoplasms, such as acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes, and myeloproliferative neoplasms, is important to consider in the context of previous treatment with alkylating agents, 1 which this patient had received. However, the peripheral-blood smear showed no findings that would indicate a hematologic cancer, and such a diagnosis would not explain the patient’s acute kidney injury with nephrotic-range proteinuria. Infectious Disease Several features of this patient’s case warrant special consideration, including her history of immunosuppression due to rheumatoid arthritis and to previously treated myeloma, along with the fact that she had emigrated from Central America, where certain infections may be prevalent. Infection with hepatitis A virus, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, HIV-1 and HIV-2, cytomegalovirus, Epstein–Barr virus, H. pylori, and M. tuberculosis can be ruled out on the basis of laboratory studies. A rapid antigen test for plasmodium species was reported to be positive, but this assay has a known cross-reactivity with rheumatoid factor. 2 Moreover, the thick and thin peripheral-blood smears were negative. Thus, malaria would be an unlikely diagnosis. The patient has a history of infection with chikungunya virus, an arbovirus transmitted by a mosquito vector that has been responsible for large epidemics in the Americas since 2013. 3 Acute symptoms include fever, rash, arthralgia, and myalgia. The development of a chronic arthritis that may meet the classification criteria for rheumatoid arthritis, as defined by the American College of Rheumatology and the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology, has been reported in up to 60% of patients infected with chikungunya virus. 4,5 In the context of this discussion, I considered whether chikungunya virus infection could be the cause of this patient’s symptoms, since this infection occurred before the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. However, the degree of erosion and loss of joint space that was visible on radiographs would be most unusual for arthritis associated with chikungunya virus infection and would not explain the renal manifestations. Strongyloidiasis is a helminth infection (caused by Strongyloides stercoralis) that is widespread in developing countries. Infection usually occurs through contact with soil, and most affected persons are asymptomatic. However, in immunosuppressed persons, strongyloides hyperinfection syndrome or a disseminated infection can develop as a consequence of accelerated autoinfection. 6 The clinical presentation of strongyloides hyperinfection syndrome can include gastrointestinal symptoms (diarrhea, constipation, nausea, or vomiting), respiratory symptoms (cough, dyspnea, or wheezing), and rash due to migration of larvae through the subcutaneous tissues. Of note, only a minority of patients present with eosinophilia. Several case reports describe the development of nephrotic-range proteinuria, thrombotic microangiopathy, and IgA vasculitis in patients with strongyloides hyperinfection syndrome. 7-9 However, strongyloidiasis would not explain this patient’s cytopenias and hypocomplementemia. Autoimmune Disease The patient has a 3-year history of rheumatoid arthritis, although her clinical features of swan-neck deformity, boutonnière deformity, and joint instability suggest a longer duration of disease. We do not know whether she had received previous treatment with disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs or biologic agents, but the possible use of such treatments may be a consideration with respect to her progression of disease and overall degree of immunosuppression. The blood levels of rheumatoid factor and anti–cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies were elevated, and radiographs of the hands showed erosive disease, although there was a relative paucity of metacarpophalangeal findings. A review of systems was negative for dry mouth, but her physical examination showed poor dentition and dry mouth — findings that make secondary Sjögren’s syndrome a consideration. Renal disease can occur in patients with Sjögren’s syndrome. The two most typical presentations are tubulointerstitial nephritis and, less commonly, nephritic syndrome (membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis related to cryoglobulinemia). Tubulointerstitial nephritis may manifest with renal disease of varying severity, usually with a bland urinary sediment and often with abnormalities of tubular function such as distal renal tubular acidosis. Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis caused by cryoglobulinemia is the most common glomerular disease associated with Sjögren’s syndrome. Although nephrotic-range proteinuria can occur with Sjögren’s syndrome, it is relatively uncommon. 10 Renal disease is uncommon in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and is usually related to coexisting cardiovascular conditions. Medications used in the treatment of autoimmune disease — mainly nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs — may be associated with renal disease, but I would not expect the presence of an active urinary sediment, as was seen in this patient. Amyloid A (AA) amyloidosis, a condition that is rare in the era of aggressive management of rheumatoid arthritis, has been described in patients with severe, long-standing seropositive erosive rheumatoid arthritis. Serum amyloid A (SAA) is a protein that is produced in the liver in response to chronic inflammation associated with interleukin-1, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) in the context of chronic infections, autoimmune disease (classically rheumatoid arthritis), autoinflammatory disease, and cancers including renal cell carcinoma and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. 11 Signs and symptoms of AA amyloidosis are related to the deposition of the protein in organs, and patients often present with multisystem signs and symptoms. The kidney is the organ that is most often affected, but deposition can occur in the heart, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, musculoskeletal system, and lungs. Proteinuria is the first clinical manifestation in almost 95% of patients with AA amyloidosis, and 50% of affected patients present with nephrotic syndrome. 12 The urinary sediment is generally bland, and complement levels in the blood are normal. AA amyloidosis remains on the differential diagnosis in this patient, but it would not completely explain her renal disease. Hypocomplementemia The key to this case is understanding the cause of this patient’s hypocomplementemia. Hypocomplementemia can be due to decreased complement production in the context of liver disease, congenital complement deficiency, or increased complement consumption resulting from activation of the innate immune system. This patient has no history of chronic liver disease and her laboratory test results indicated good hepatic synthetic function. Classical complement deficiency (including C4 deficiency) that begins early in life is associated with autoimmune disease, and early C3 deficiency is characterized by severe pyogenic infections. It would be unusual for a patient of this age to be deficient in both C3 and C4 without earlier clinical consequences. I therefore concluded that the hypocomplementemia in this case was related to complement consumption. Rheumatic diseases that may be associated with prominent renal manifestations include antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody–associated vasculitis, systemic sclerosis with renal crisis, cryoglobulinemic vasculitis, antiglomerular basement membrane disease, and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Of those conditions, SLE would be the most likely to be manifested by an active urinary sediment and nephrotic-range proteinuria with consumption of both C3 and C4 in the context of fever, thrombocytopenia, and serositis. This patient’s fever, thrombocytopenia, and serositis also fit with this diagnosis. 13 Because the patient has long-standing seropositive erosive rheumatoid arthritis, a diagnosis of AA amyloidosis is strongly suspected. Moreover, given the presence of thrombocytopenia, hypocomplementemia, and an active urinary sediment, I would recommend a kidney biopsy to evaluate for lupus nephritis and AA amyloidosis. Dr. Beth L. Jonas’s Diagnosis Overlap syndrome of rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus with amyloid A amyloidosis. Pathological Discussion Dr. Claire Trivin-Avillach: Testing for autoimmune antibodies was performed. A test for antinuclear antibodies was positive at a titer of 1:5120 with a homogeneous pattern, and a test for anti–double-stranded DNA antibodies was positive at a titer of 1:2560. The diagnostic procedure in this case was a core-needle biopsy of the kidney. Examination of the specimen with light microscopy revealed 20 glomeruli, 45% of which were globally sclerosed, along with fibrosis involving approximately 60% of the interstitium and tubular atrophy. Diffusely enlarged glomeruli with thickened capillary walls and an expanded mesangium were weakly positive on periodic acid–Schiff staining; the glomeruli stained pale blue on Masson’s trichrome staining. Congo red staining revealed metachromatic salmon-colored deposition involving the glomeruli, the blood-vessel walls, and the interstitium, which was associated with apple-green birefringence when viewed under polarized light (Fig. 3A). In addition, mesangial and endocapillary hypercellularity was identified in approximately 30% of the nonsclerosed glomeruli and was associated with karyorrhexis (Fig. 3B). One cellular crescent was also detected. These features are characteristic of active proliferative glomerulonephritis. Figure 3 Biopsy Specimen of the Kidney. Immunofluorescence microscopy revealed prominent granular staining for IgG (4+), IgM (4+), C3 (3+), C1q (3+), IgA (1+), kappa (3+), and lambda (3+) along the glomerular basement membranes and within the mesangium, as well as focal granular deposits of IgG and C3 along the tubular basement membrane (Fig. 3C and 3D). Additional immunofluorescence studies showed strong positivity (4+) for SAA within the glomeruli, the blood-vessel walls, and the interstitium (Fig. 3E), whereas staining for beta2-microglobulin, transthyretin, and apolipoprotein A1 was faint. Electron microscopy revealed the presence of subendothelial and mesangial electron-dense deposits (with no substructure identified) adjacent to randomly arranged fibrils (measuring 8.2 to 10.6 nm in diameter) within the glomerular basement membranes and the mesangium (Fig. 3F). Glomerular endothelial cells appeared reactive and contained tubuloreticular inclusions, features that were suggestive of interferon-mediated activation. The findings on Congo red staining were characteristic of amyloidosis with typical birefringent material. The strong positivity of SAA within the deposits as compared with the faint staining of other reactants identified the type of amyloid as SAA, which is consistent with the patient’s history of rheumatoid arthritis. The biopsy also showed an immune complex–mediated proliferative glomerulonephritis with a “full house” pattern (defined as positivity for the three immunoglobulin classes IgG, IgM, and IgA and the two complement components C3 and C1q, in reference to the “full house” hand in a poker game). Immune complex–mediated proliferative glomerulonephritis has been reported in patients with rheumatoid arthritis who were receiving anti–TNF-α therapy, 14 which was not the case in this patient. The positive test for hepatitis C antibodies prompted consideration of hepatitis C–related membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis. However, taken together, the negative nucleic acid test for hepatitis C virus, the full house pattern on immunofluorescence, the tubular basement membrane deposits, and the positive test for anti–double-stranded DNA antibodies favor a diagnosis of lupus nephritis of at least class III (defined as focal proliferative glomerulonephritis), according to the criteria of the International Society of Nephrology and the Renal Pathology Society, superimposed on AA amyloidosis. Pathological Diagnosis Proliferative lupus nephritis of International Society of Nephrology and Renal Pathology Society class III, superimposed on amyloid A amyloidosis. Discussion of Management Dr. Pui W. Cheung: On the basis of the finding of echogenic kidneys on ultrasonography and the findings of extensive interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy on kidney biopsy, we know that this patient has advanced chronic kidney disease that is unlikely to be reversible. The patient is also noted to have a markedly lower glomerular filtration rate (GFR) than that predicted by the blood creatinine level owing to the presence of cachexia, and this is substantiated by the cystatin C–based GFR and a 24-hour creatinine clearance of 22 ml per minute per 1.73 m2 of body-surface area. The typical induction therapy for stage III or IV lupus nephritis consists of high-dose glucocorticoids and either mycophenolate mofetil or cyclophosphamide. Other reasonable alternatives for initial therapy include mycophenolate mofetil in combination with either a calcineurin inhibitor or belimumab, or cyclophosphamide in combination with belimumab. 15 Hydroxychloroquine is also recommended as part of the therapy, since it has shown benefits in improving the response to treatment and reducing disease flare. 16 Mycophenolate mofetil and cyclophosphamide have similar efficacy with respect to clinical response, which includes a reduction in proteinuria and either an improvement in renal function or stabilization of renal function; the risks of infections and adverse events associated with these medications are also similar. 17,18 Given the severity of the lupus nephritis with overlying AA amyloidosis from active rheumatoid arthritis, the treatment options proposed were high-dose glucocorticoids and rituximab with either mycophenolate mofetil or cyclophosphamide. 19 After discussions with multidisciplinary consultants from rheumatology, infectious diseases, and nephrology, lingering concerns were raised about infection and patient frailty; ultimately, the decision was made to initiate high-dose glucocorticoid therapy in combination with mycophenolate mofetil, rituximab, and hydroxychloroquine. The patient’s mycophenolate mofetil dose regimen was inconsistent owing to gastrointestinal side effects, and the treatment was eventually withheld because of pancytopenia and fever. Unfortunately, her kidney function worsened, and renal replacement therapy was initiated within 3 weeks after the start of the induction therapy. The cause of her renal failure was thought to be disease progression, compounded by hemodynamically mediated tubular injury in the context of infection. While the administration of mycophenolate mofetil was stopped, treatment with rituximab was continued, with slow tapering of the glucocorticoid dose at the direction of the rheumatologist. She remained dependent on dialysis and was deemed to have end-stage kidney disease after 3 months of dialysis. Dr. Lisa G. Criscione-Schreiber: The patient has SLE with nephritis, seropositive erosive rheumatoid arthritis, and systemic AA amyloidosis. AA amyloidosis is rare owing to the availability of effective therapies for rheumatoid arthritis and is managed through aggressive treatment of inflammation due to rheumatoid arthritis. Reports addressing the management of rheumatoid arthritis–induced AA amyloidosis generally cite stability of end-organ damage caused by AA amyloid as evidence of effective management of the condition (through treatment of the inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis). Methotrexate, the cornerstone of treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, is contraindicated in this case owing to the presence of kidney disease. The alkylating agent cyclophosphamide has been reported to be effective for the treatment of AA amyloidosis from rheumatoid arthritis 20 and has known efficacy in patients with lupus nephritis, both of which make it a viable treatment option. Rituximab has also been reported to be effective for managing rheumatoid arthritis–induced AA amyloidosis, 21 is approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, and is used for manifestations of SLE, including thrombocytopenia and nephritis. Although anti–TNF-α agents, abatacept, and Janus kinase inhibitors are reported to be effective for the treatment of AA amyloidosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, 22 recent publications have coalesced on the ability of anti–interleukin-6 therapy to block interleukin-6–induced hepatic production of SAA. 23-25 The overlap of seropositive erosive rheumatoid arthritis and SLE (sometimes termed “rhupus”) usually resembles rheumatoid arthritis more than SLE; manifestations include thrombocytosis, leukocytosis, an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, an elevated blood level of C-reactive protein, and the presence of marginal erosions on radiographs. 26 In contrast, SLE without seropositive erosive rheumatoid arthritis characteristically manifests with thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, and an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate but usually not an elevated C-reactive protein level; in addition, nonerosive inflammatory arthritis with reversible deformities is commonly observed. This patient had a mixed laboratory profile, on the basis of the results of antinuclear antibody and anti–double-stranded DNA antibody tests. The challenge of treating an overlap syndrome of rheumatoid arthritis and SLE is choosing disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs that are effective and safe in both conditions. This patient’s most severe disease manifestation is lupus nephritis; therefore, the treatment regimen must target nephritis along with the AA amyloidosis and inflammatory arthritis. As noted earlier, current induction therapy for lupus nephritis includes either mycophenolate mofetil or cyclophosphamide. Mycophenolate mofetil may provide inadequate treatment of the rheumatoid arthritis and amyloidosis, whereas cyclophosphamide would treat the lupus nephritis, has possible efficacy for treatment of the AA amyloidosis, and would treat the rheumatoid arthritis. Rituximab could be added to cyclophosphamide or mycophenolate mofetil to treat the rheumatoid arthritis and resultant AA amyloidosis and could also possibly help treat the lupus nephritis. The addition of anti–interleukin-6 therapy to mycophenolate mofetil or cyclophosphamide is an intriguing option that may effectively treat the rheumatoid arthritis and subsequent AA amyloidosis. The addition of belimumab to mycophenolate mofetil or cyclophosphamide has been reported to improve renal response in patients with lupus nephritis, 27 as has the addition of voclosporin to mycophenolate mofetil. 28 However, belimumab is ineffective for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, and voclosporin has not been studied in patients with rheumatoid arthritis or in those with a GFR of 45 milliliters per minute or less. The high-dose glucocorticoids that are used in induction therapy for lupus nephritis will effectively manage this patient’s inflammatory arthritis and probably also the subsequent AA amyloidosis. Finally, it is important that every patient with lupus nephritis receive hydroxychloroquine, which improves the treatment response to induction therapy. 29 Follow-up Dr. Parsons: The patient’s hospital course was further complicated by suspected immune-mediated thrombocytopenia, for which she received intravenous immune globulin. Her pancytopenia and arthritis ultimately abated. Unfortunately, she did not have renal recovery and continues to receive hemodialysis. After a prolonged hospital course, she was discharged home. Final Diagnosis Overlap syndrome of rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus complicated by proliferative lupus nephritis, superimposed on amyloid A amyloidosis.



文章 肾病综合征的检查

1首先,需要查尿常规、24小时尿蛋白定量、血生化、血常规来评估一下蛋白从尿液中流失的程度以及基本的肝功能、肾功能、电解质等。 2由于糖尿病能够继发肾病综合征,所以是否有糖尿病病史、血糖值也是需要关注的,必要时还需要查眼底。 3肝炎全套、梅毒、等传染病也可能导致肾病综合征表现,因此这些相关的检查也是要做的。 4本周氏蛋白、体液免疫、骨髓瘤全套,这些检查是为了筛查是否有骨髓瘤及淀粉样变性可能,必要的话有可能需要进一步查骨髓穿刺或者组织活检。



文章 淀粉样变性周围神经病应该做哪些检查

淀粉样变性周围神经病是由于淀粉样物质沉积到周围神经,造成周围神经的变性引起的一系列周围神经感觉以及运动障碍。 其检查可以分为以下几部分: 实验室血液检查,包括常规血糖、肝功能、肾功能、血沉以及血常规检查,还有风湿系列以及自身免疫的相关血清检查; 检查血清卟啉以及重金属浓度; 检查尿液常规,包括尿常规以及尿内重金属的排泄量; 需要检查脑脊液的常规以及肌电图等其它神经电生理检查。 甚至有的病人还需要做肌肉活检、神经活检,进一步确诊其周围神经病的淀粉样变性。





文章 本周蛋白

本周蛋白游离轻链构成,分子量小,可在尿中大量排出,当尿液加温至 45~60 度时,本周蛋白开始凝固,继续加温到沸点是重新溶解的特点,电泳时出现浓集区带。 尿本周蛋白升高具有其特定的临床意义:主要见于多发性骨髓瘤等单克隆免疫球蛋白血症患者。其中多发性骨髓瘤患者 50%~70%为阳性。巨球蛋白血症患者中因血清内 IgM 显著增高,约 20%呈阳性。常见于多发性骨髓瘤、慢性白血病、肾淀粉样变、慢性肾盂肾炎、恶性淋巴瘤等。 阳性:多发性骨髓瘤病人产生大量本周蛋白阳性率可达 35%~65%任爢颊趑鏂。本周蛋白量反映了产生本周蛋白的单克隆细胞数,偓有秘觻预对观察骨髓瘤病程和判断化疗效果有意义本周蛋白阳性也见于良性单克隆免疫球蛋白血症、巨球蛋白血症、淀粉样变恶性淋巴瘤、慢性肾炎、转移癌等摄入如氨基水杨酸、氯丙嗪、大剂量青霉素等药物可出现假阳性碱性尿、严重尿道感染等可出现假阴性。 本周蛋白(BJP )是游离的免疫球蛋白轻链,能自由通过肾小球滤过膜,当浓度增高超过近曲小管重吸收的极限时,可自尿中排出,即本周蛋白尿。酸性尿加热至 40~60℃时发生凝固,90~100℃时可再溶解,当温度降低至 56℃左右,又可重新凝固,故又称凝溶蛋白。尿 BJP 阳性可见于多发性骨髓瘤、巨球蛋白血症、原发性淀粉样变性等。



